Zombies N Robots

This game took 1 1/2 weeks to make and it was a fun adventure. I started off day one making the shooting mechanics and player movement. Day 2 I worked on making different weapons and I put in some gun assets i found on unity assets store. day 3 was working and failing on both enemies. Day 4 i finished both of the enemies and I took the weekend off. I started back up on monday and I got the spawning working but it was a buggy spawning system so I scrapped it. tuesday I finished with a new spawning system and made switching  between weapons possible. Wednesday was just making the map and polishing some particles.   I then finished up everything by adding a boss enemy that spawns every 40 sec, and ui, like a health bar, and a score system.


ZNR WEBGL.zip Play in browser
Aug 05, 2022

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